You can build an abattoir on Anzac Cove;
You can invade Poland, scream, "Death to the foe!"
You can cut the ozone down by thirds -
Just don't come from the western suburbs.
You can go to the disco, the bouncer's a beast -
"You go on in", he says to the boys from the East:
You gotta wait outside with the common herd -
Just don't come from the western suburbs.
Support the Olympics? - what a load of merde;
You marry the ugly ugg booted birds;
You're the only one who gets what you deserve -
Just don't come from the western suburbs.
You can get your education down at the Tech.;
You can never have heard of the proletariat;
I never been there, of course - it's what I've heard:
Just don't come from the western suburbs.
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