The Story Lyrics

von Runrig
'S fhada, 's fhada, an ceòl a bha cho binn
'S a' ghrian a' dh'èirich air mo chridhe
Guth nan eun gar dùsgadh bho chadal, àillidh, ciuin
Moch is seiseil 'son an t-slighe

And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides
And I'm still leaning on the early years
And I can't help feeling it will always be
The story of the life inside of me

Achadh abaich, eòrna 's seagal 'fàs
Loch nan ealachan aig tàmh
B' e siud an dealbh a dh'fhan fad
An t-samhraidh sin dhuinn
'S gach uile samhradh eile a dh'fhalbh

And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides
And I'm still leaning on the early years
And I can't help feeling it will always be
The story of the life inside of me

'S mi an-diugh a' streap
Beanntan àrd nam bliadhn'
Le gach smàl is sgaradh air an t-saoghal
Ach thig le cinnt là n chiad-fhairich mi do ghaol

And I'm still dreaming of the Hebrides
And I'm still leaning on the early years
And I can't help feeling it will always be
The story of the life inside of me

The Story
The Story
The Story

The Story
The Story
The Story
Writer(s): Rory Macdonald, Calum Macdonald
Lyrics powered by
Runrig - The Story
Quelle: Youtube