No Silence For Sale ? Nobody likes me
Sometimes when I lie in my bathtub
I want to take my hair drier!
Plug it in and give it into the water!
But than I notice that it's too
Dangerous, I might hurt myself!
Or is this what I wanna do the hole time?
If sometime this life ends
I know my friends would be sad!
Oh, am I mixing something up?
I have no friensd and I never had!
Oh, I'm so poor! Oh, I'm so poor! Oh, I'm so sure!
That this life is awful!
Oh I'm so poor! Oh I'm so sure!
Oh this life is awful because
Nobody likes me! Nobody!
It was 16 years ago!
My parents did a great mistake!
9 months later I was born!
And the first sentece I said was?
Oh I'm so poor! Oh I'm so sure!
Oh this life is awful because
Nobody likes me! Nobody!