Schiarazule marazule
La lusigne, la cracule,
La piciule si niciule
Di polvar a si tacule
O schiarazule maraciule
Cu la rucule e la cocule
La fantate jè une trapule
Il fantat un trapolon
Now, oh now I needs must part
(John Dowland)
Now, oh now I needs must part,
Parting though I obsent mourne
Absence can no ioye empart,
Ioye once fled can not returne.
While I live I needs must love,
Love lives not when hope is gone,
Now at last despayre doth prove,
Love devided loveth none.
Sad dispaire doth drive me hence,
This dispaire unkindnes sends.
If that parting be offence,
It is she which then offendes
Writer(s): Angelo Branduardi, Dp
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