Three boys in a burning panzer doing nothing
Not to shove our throats in the flames
We shan't let go
Oh friend, oh foe, oh friend, oh foe
Beauty Towne
How little have we learned
Beauty Towne
The fruit that we deserve
And we had, and we had
And we had more than we could take
Three Orcs under plague of darkness
And like Egypt, we had it coming all along
I won't believe
Oh fiend, oh foe, oh fiend, folio
Beauty Towne
The hair remains the same
Hanging the rope of shame
And we tried and we failed
Not to live this way again
Chelsea Alvarez, Jherek Bischoff
Scott Goodwin, Mike Hadreas
Ruthie Haskell, Keehnan Konyha
Caralee McElroy, Sam Mickens
Zac Pennington, Jamie Stewart
Wilbert Williams
Beauty Towne
The hair remains the same
Hanging the rope of shame
And we tried and we failed
Not to live this way again
Writer(s): James Cyrus Stewart, Sam Mickens, Zac Pennington
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