Many people think that the best way to escape war is to dwell upon its horrors,
And to imprint them vividly upon the minds of the younger generation. They flaunt the grisly photographs before their eyes.
They fill their ears with tales of carnage.
They dilate upon the ineptitude of generals and admirals.
They denounce the crime as insensate folly of human strife.
Now, all this teaching ought to be very useful in preventing us from attacking or invading any other country,
If anyone outside a madhouse wished to do so,
But how would it help us if we were attacked or invaded ourselves?
That is the question we have to ask.
Would the invaders consent to hear Lord Beaverbrook's exposition,
Or listen to the impassioned appeals of Mr. Lloyd George?
Would they agree to meet that famous South African, General Smuts,
And have their inferiority complex removed in friendly, reasonable debate?
I doubt it.
I have borne responsibility for the safety of this country in grievous times.
I gravely doubt it.
But even if they did, I am not so sure we should convince them,
And persuade them to go back quietly home.
They might say, it seems to me: "You are rich; we are poor.
You seem well fed; we are hungry. You have been victorious."
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