Alan hated life.
He would always stare into the mirror screaming "You are such a disgusting cunt."
Years of sweet treats have decayed all his teeth.
Comments from girls left him sad as fuck.
Bree James was the instigator.
Now she lies bashed and duct taped to Alan's bed.
His penis starts throbbing as he stabs her.
Fucking with the blade inside her.
In agony she bleeds out on his doona.
"Die, you fucking spoilt cunt, I'll sweeten your heart that's so bitter."
Dribbles a load in her.
Flashes his pearly browns. Foul breath.
Cum seeps from her swollen and chapped hole. He winks and goes the growl.
It tastes like salty onions mixed with soap.
Alan adds some chocolate sprinkles. "That tastes really sweet".
Flips her over, opens her cheeks, giggles to himself "Haha
Your bottom appears quite clean, but really tastes so sharp.
What do we have here?
It seems you have tiny little balls of toilet paper stuck on your anus you dumb bitch."
He hacks at her ribs. Removes a cold heart. Soaking it in sugar and vanilla essance for several hours.
Alan bites into the vital organ. Claret spills onto his nice skivvy.
Soccer kicking her in the face. Slags on her corprse.
"I think we are done here".
Writer(s): Lachlan Robert Eddy, Matthew William Pocock
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