This is a T.I.m.e.B.o.M.b. hidden in the closet, a simple device of liberation that is not for
The weak-willed. Are we going to die or are we ready for the big payback. Some might claim that
Violence will only breed violence and to those humanist bastards we say that it sure does, and that is
Why we can only use force since it will be only language that is understood by current status. Send it
Through the mail, send it to the boss, a package on the table waiting to go off. I heard it from a friend,
Said you've been living with iteveryday. How fucked am I? And if we slave like this do we really
Deserve to die, of course we are tired but reward awaits on the mythical other side; first in the afterlife
(the promise of divine salvation), then the leisure time, after retirement or any other reward that
Comes up to justify the economical system that oppresses us. "Leisure time is only free time if
Humans have all the modern materials and instruments at their disposal to make revolutionary art for
The experimental construction of everyday life". And how fucked are we if we cant even analyze the
Situation that we are in, but with our bodies sold and our minds blank where do we actually begin.
Writer(s): Sara Almgren, Dennis Lyxzen, Inge Johansson, Lars Stromberg, Ludvig Dahlberg
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