In a jumble - a few words were enough
Insanity as against is to laugh
Standing in between this she's devine
Eager for her senses but still shy
He is dreamin' of her all night long
He doesn't know what he has done
Wether it's right or is it wrong
He doesn't know what he's done
What is it? his flesh began to creep
Stomach hurts just don't know how to flee
The deeepst inner senses turn around
The butterflies to loud
He is dreamin' of her all night long
He doesn't know what he has done
Wether it's right or is it wrong
He doesn't know what he's done
What is it? his flesh began to creep
Stomach hurts just don't know how to flee
The deepest inner senses turn around
The butterflies to loud
Dreamin' of her all night long
What is it? his flesh began to creep
Stomach hurts just don't know how to flee
The deepest inner senses turn around
The butterflies to loud
What is it? he doesn't know
He wanna feel - he wanna know
Eves since he doesn't know the why
He's the one who started this
He's the one who will not miss
Her - what she stands for