Two normal arms too normal feet a normal nose that never bleeds no dreadful face and really full of eloquence but nothin of that makes great sence a loser all along the line mistreadead for the whole lifetime it isn't harmony I need it is the fight and smell of bleed so I wanna be I wanna be the heavyweight champion that's all what I need I wanna be the heavyweight champion success will succeed my body hurts my face is numb nobody cares if I'm dumb a thousand girls , a billion dollars one my side anyone's talking bout my pride no longer loser long the line admired for the whole lifetime It isn't harmony I need It is the fight and smell of bleed so I wanna be I wanna be the heavyweight champion that's all what I need I wanna be the heavyweight champion success will succeed A loser all along the line mistreadead for the whole lifetime It isn't harmony I need It is the fame that I greed the dream of ordinary men being in the limelight, not just fan that all is slopping in my mind It is the life i'll never find but I wanna be I wanna be the heavyweight champion that's all what I need I wanna be the heavyweight champion success will succeed