Boarding up on the plane they never knew what was coming
Migrants from around the world, trying to make that money
Flying out of Pakistan, Bengladesh, Sri Lanka
Egypt, Nepal, The Phillipines, India and Ghana
First Kuwaiti General got the U.S. contracts
Went to the poorer southern states to make the contacts
Come along, you unemployed, we've got some work abroad
With passports stamped for Dubai the planes took off
Landing down in Baghdad, not one worker knew what was in store
Forced labor, in the middle of a war
Locked inside the green-zone they would live their lives like this
Housed in little crowded rooms, working unpaid shifts
First Kuwaiti drew the plans, July 2005
100 acres, 20 buildings, fully fortified
A permanent enclosure, the State Department's dream
The largest U.S. Embassy the world has ever seen
A fortress on the Tigris, surrounded by the heat
The daily bombings, house raids, check-points on the street
Inside would hide the bankers of the corporate enterprise
Assigned to build the export-plan that would suck this country dry
First Kuwaiti, the IMF, the oil tycoons
Taking downtown Baghdad and making it Cancun
Owned by people who will never be the amputees
Built by cheap labor import economic refugees
Everybody seen it, yet somehow no one knew?
They tell a lot of story's you gotta question if they're true
Bare feet on burning rebar, another day begins
Threatened by the guns of the bosses
Trapped in a situation that no nightmare could conceive
They would die here like this, with no way to leave
First Kuwaiti withheld their passports and their papers
Kept em' locked inside this compound, guarded by soldiers
With no health care they were drinking water from the Tigris
Full of diseases and the bodies of organizers
The Baghdad Vatican, like an oil rig in the sea
Built by the ancient U.S. tradition of slavery
A rook placed strategically in the empire plan
Financed by the suffering of the people of this land
First Kuwaiti, the State Department, everybody knew
If you'd been inside the green-zone, you had to
2, 700 workers tricked and trapped inside
Invisible to the world, keeping corporate profits high
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