JAH JAH is king - in Mount Zion
JAH JAH is king - he is the lion (repeat)
Book of revelation is going to reveal
The truth that Babylon is trying to conceal
Once you were told that who can not hear must feel
The Lion of Judah has opened the book and the seven seals
JAH JAH is king - in Mount Zion
JAH JAH is king - he is the lion (repeat)
Now Hohn wept because here as no man found worthy
Under JAH sun, moon and stars to fulfil this prophesy
But he was soon comforted by the words of the Almighty
Resurrected Jesus Christ His Himperial Majesty - Haile Sellassie
JAH JAH is king - in Mount Zion
JAH JAH is king - he is the lion (repeat)
(Psalm 87:)
" His foundation is in the hola mountains JAH loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob Glorious things are spoken of the, oh city of GOD. Selah. I will make mention of rahab and Babylon to them that know mw : Behold Philisita, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there. And of Zion it shall be said, this and that man was bornin her: And the Highest himself shall establish her"
JAH JAH is king - in Mount Zion
JAH JAH is king - he is the lion (repeat)