Say man, what is that funlky smell,
And that brown thing coming out of that dog's tail?
Smells worse than the US senate
The guy in front of me, he just stepped in it
Well it's dog shit here, dog shit there
God dang dog shit everywhere
Got the Amsterdam dog shit blues
Man oh man I say PPPPPeeeee UUUUUUuuuu
Little bitty dogs, great big dogs
Fill up the streets with their do-do logs
Got the Amsterdam dog shit blues
Man oh man you better check your shoes
Don't wanna smoke it, don't wanna roll it
Why don't you get them doggies some little doggy toilets?
Got the Amsterdam dog shit blues
Man oh man, say PPPPeeeee UUUUUUUuuu!!
All this funk's got my head in quite a swirl
Amsterdam is the dog shit capital of the world
Gonna grab them mutts and throw them in the canal
So I won't have to smell their stinky bowel...
Movements, that is
What am I gonna do?
I got the low down dirty
Stinky rotten poo-poo ca-ca
Big giant terdola
This St. Bernard about the size of a pony man let this giant terd on the street
It was so biiiiiiiiiigggg, you know how big it was?
It had little terds orbiting around it
Well, I got the Amsterdam dog shit blues
Writer(s): Neill Kirby Mcmillan P. K. A. Mojo Nixon
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