Well the clock's stopped ticking
On the fashion bomb
We're living an illusion
Something funny's going on on on
What's going on?
It's a revolution for your feet
Listen Sisters, don't get blisters
Beat that beat Put your Big Boots on
Hey hey that's the way
Wash those tears and your fears away
Kick off your high heeled shoes
Put your big boots on
Cleopatra liked a laugh
She wore her booties in the bath
Egypt's queen of rock
The Ugly Sisters got it right
They wore their great big
Ugly bugly boots
And they danced all night
Cinderella cried 'Oh shit!
I hope this tiny slipper
Does not fit'
Hey hey..
Little Miss Muffet
Could have jumped that spider
Little old lady
Could have run away harder
Margot Fontaine really suits
Bouncing around in a pair of boots
Some of Henry's many wives
Might have tried to save their lives
Kicked that axe man in the noots
If only they had worn their boots
Way down south where no one goes
There's a place where a woman
Can wiggle her toes
From the jitter big boogie
To the highland fling
Sling your sling backs
Do your thing
Shame upon that wicked Zeus
Sweet revenge is no excuse
We all know Pandoras box
Was full of boots and lots of socks
Hey hey that's the way
Wash those socks
Throw your tights away, you got to
Kick off your high heeled shoes
Big boots make a bang
Just like k.d.Lang
Put your Big Boots on!