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Energy Crisis '74 Songtext

Dickie Goodman - Energy Crisis '74
Quelle: Youtube
We're here at the White House for a special report
On the Energy Crisis.

Mr. President, have you any statement?

'Leave me alone
Just leave me alone'

Mr. President, what really caused the Energy Crisis?

'Smokin' in the boy's room'

During the crisis, how much gas will motorists be allowed?

'Just enough for the city'

Who do you believe the gas shortage will affect most?

'Helen, Helen Wheels'

Mr. President, the crisis must be solved.
What do you intend to do?

'Keep on playin' those mind games'

With me now is the head of the Federal Energy Office.
Sir, you hold an important position. What are your

'I'm a joker, I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker'

Mr. President, have you anything to add?

'Leave me alone
Just leave me alone'

Here with me is the new Vice President, Chevy Ford.
Sir, how would you sum up the gas shortage?

'Goodbye yellow brick road'

(Telephone rings)

We have a long distance call from Saudi Arabia.
King Faisal, is that you?

'Hello, it's me'

King Faisal, what are your thoughts when you
Look out at all those oil wells?

'You're beautiful and you're mine'

I have Golda Meir of Israel on the other phone.
What should I tell her?

'Won't you tell her
That I love her'

Mr. President, have you any added comment?

'Leave me alone
Just leave me alone'

Mr. President, the American people are waiting. Have you a

'I'm on the top of the world
Lookin' down on creation'

We'd like to continue this record on the Energy Crisis
But we have just run out of energy
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Album Dickie Goodman Greatest Fables

Dickie Goodman
  1. 1.
    Return of the Flying Saucer ('97)
  2. 2.
    Flying Saucer Part 1
  3. 3.
    Flying Saucer Part 2
  4. 4.
    Flying Saucer the 2nd
  5. 5.
    Flying Saucer the 3rd
  6. 6.
    Flying Saucer Goes West
  7. 7.
    Buchanan & Goodman on Trial
  8. 8.
    Santa & the Satellite
  9. 9.
    Santa & the Satellite Part 2
  10. 10.
    Santa & the Touchables
  11. 11.
  12. 12.
    The Touchables in Brooklin
  13. 13.
    Ben Crazy
  14. 14.
    Batman & His Grandmother
  15. 15.
    The Ride of Paul Revere
  16. 16.
    Frankenstein of '59
  17. 17.
    Frankenstein Returns
  18. 18.
    Stager Lawrence
  19. 19.
    Senate Hearing
  20. 20.
    Harry's Jockstrap
  21. 21.
    Congressional Medal of Honor
  22. 22.
    Get a Job
  23. 23.
    On Campus
  24. 24.
    Luna Trip
  25. 25.
  26. 26.
    Mr. President
  27. 27.
    Energy Crisis
  28. 28.
    Mr. Jaws
  29. 29.
    Speaking of Ecology
  30. 30.
    The Constitution
  31. 31.
    Superfly Meets Shaft
  32. 32.
  33. 33.
    Super Superman
  34. 34.
    Return of the Jedi Returns
  35. 35.
    Hey E.T.
  36. 36.
    Attack of the Z Monster
  37. 37.
    Election '84
  38. 38.
    Safe Sex Report
  39. 39.
    Horror Movies
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