Problem melden

Country Report Songtext
von Deakin

Swells high
As we slip through the waves
Feel space
Silver walls on each side
Leading up and above
I am down

'Cause below the surge
I can follow this tide
I know
Water bends at the light
Touching down
I've arrived
I know
I've got to come up

I don't have to come up

I'm not fading at all
But our words feel gray
I can try and get strong if you're feeling this shy
'Cause the end of the day gathers cold towards our home
My strength drifts in tides,
'Cause I'm feeling your pain
Like it's my own
And you're always complaining
He's getting old

I'm not fading at all
And I see how I've changed
I'm not always as wise as I thought at times
Seems I'm not so strong with a hand to my side
As she asks to my face, "Is it really a change if you're not sure?"
Can you really engage when you're not sure?

And maybe you've changed
It gets you home
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Eminem: Big Sean schwärmt von seiner Kollaboration mit dem Rapper
Deakin - Country Report
Quelle: Youtube
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