
Bedeutung von „Ain't No Wheels on This Ship“

Überprüft von Jacob
am 1. Oktober 2023
☝️ Das Wichtigste in Kürze
  • The song is about a relationship that has gone downhill and the loss of material comforts that came with it.
  • The lyrics suggest a change in the way the person she is addressing treats her, from loving and affectionate to impersonal.
  • Cline highlights her partner's previous status and their current downfall.
  • The lyrics imply that her partner was only interested in her when she had money.
  • The song emphasizes the importance of true feelings and emotional connection in a relationship.


"Row Row Row, I used to have big money, that was many moons ago." Patsy Cline begins the song Ain't No Wheels on This Ship by reminiscing about a time when she had a lot of money. However, those days are long gone. The song is about a relationship that has gone downhill and the loss of material comforts that came with it.

"You used to call me honey, now you call me so and so." The lyrics suggest that the person she is addressing used to treat her with love and affection, but now their relationship has changed. The lack of respect is evident in the change from endearing terms to impersonal ones.

"You used to be big papa, the cat of every ball. Now listen little papa, well I'm at your big downfall." In these lines, Cline is addressing her partner's previous status as someone important and popular. However, she now sees them as someone who is experiencing a significant downfall.

"You used to like my lovin', because you liked my gold. Now ya don't want my lovin', 'cause there ain't no dough no more." The lyrics here suggest that the person she is singing to was only interested in her when she had money. Now that she is no longer wealthy, they have lost interest in her and her affection.

"Well, I tell you for the last time, and I told you this before. If you want to keep your mama, ya gotta love me more and more." In the final verse, Cline makes it clear that if her partner wants to keep her in their life, they need to show her more love and affection. This plea for genuine love and commitment highlights the underlying theme of the song: the importance of true feelings and connection in a relationship.

Overall, "Ain't No Wheels on This Ship" speaks to the loss of materialistic values in a relationship and the need for genuine love and support. The song emphasizes the importance of emotional connection over material wealth.
Teile Deine Gedanken
Eure Meinungen und Gedanken sind der Schlüssel, um die Musik zum Leben zu erwecken. Der Song "Ain't No Wheels on This Ship" ist mehr als nur Melodie und Text - er ist ein Gefühl, eine Geschichte, eine Erfahrung. Eure Interpretationen verleihen ihm Tiefe und Bedeutung.
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Patsy Cline - Ain't No Wheels on This Ship
Quelle: Youtube
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